About Us

“Allpdfbooks.in“ has been designed as one such platform. Where almost every Hindi and English book (which is already available somewhere on the internet) is being brought in one place.
We would like to make one thing completely clear here that we have neither scanned nor uploaded these books available on our platform and tried to make them available. The Internet itself is like a vast ocean.
Books that belong to copyright or that also come under public domain.
People can buy all such books as per their wish, so we have given Buy Links along with many books.
Books received from the public domain on the Internet, which are being collected on a single platform. Which get all PDF books on the internet for free. Which any person can easily read PDF from computer, tablet, mobile etc.
All worldwide community of users are requested to show the most sincere respect for the publishing rights of works belonging to other people. This means that they can only upload a book whose publishing rights are in the public domain.
Even after all this, if any author has any objection to any of his book being on this platform, then they contact us on this email “allpdfbooks.in@gmail.com”, we will remove that book from our site. Will give
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